
Our Approach

Our approach is centred around waste-to-energy technology, a cutting-edge solution that converts waste materials into valuable energy sources. Through innovative processes, we minimise waste generation and maximise resource recovery. By utilising advanced technologies, we ensure that waste is not simply disposed of but transformed into a valuable asset that powers communities and reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources.


At American Renewable Technologies of California, Inc. (ARTI), we have developed a comprehensive approach to Waste-to-Energy technology that combines innovation, sustainability, and responsible practices. We aim to provide the world with an environmentally and economically practical solution for waste management and renewable energy production. Our approach aims to address the global waste crisis, reduce landfill waste, and contribute to a greener future.


Innovation is key to unlocking the full potential of Waste-to-Energy technology. We continually invest in research and development to improve our processes, increase efficiency, and maximise energy recovery from waste. Our team of experts stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field, exploring new technologies and methods to optimise resource utilization and minimize environmental impact.


Sustainability is at the core of our approach. We recognize the importance of adopting sustainable practices to ensure a long-term positive environmental impact. Our Waste-to-Energy solutions are designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and promote the circular economy. We prioritize recovering valuable resources from waste, such as metals and organic matter, and strive to minimize waste generation through efficient sorting and recycling processes.


Responsible waste management is a fundamental pillar of our approach. We adhere to stringent regulatory standards and best practices to ensure safe and responsible waste handling. Our processes prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and reuse, minimizing waste that ultimately requires energy recovery. We also prioritize properly treating hazardous waste, ensuring it is managed in compliance with environmental regulations to protect human health and the ecosystem.


We recognize that solving the global waste crisis requires collaboration. We actively engage with governments, municipalities, and industries to forge strong partnerships and work together towards a common goal. By sharing our expertise and knowledge, we help communities and organizations develop sustainable waste management strategies tailored to their needs.


We understand the importance of economic viability in waste management solutions. Our approach focuses on developing economically practical solutions that provide value to our clients and partners. By generating clean and renewable energy from waste, we create opportunities for revenue generation and cost savings. We aim to demonstrate that waste management can be environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial.

Through our innovative, sustainable, and responsible approach to Waste-to-Energy technology. We invite you to join us towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. Together, we can positively impact the environment and create a world where waste becomes a valuable resource.

Contact Information

We continously seek between design and technology. For over a decade, we’ve helped businesses to craft honest.

Open Hours

  • Mon–Fri: 9am–10pm
  • Sat: 10pm–4am
  • Sun: 10am–7pm